4 chicken legs

2 fennel bulbs

Caraway seeds


Coconut  or Olive Oil.

Serves 2.


  1. Slice up the fennel into slices about 3mm thick.
  2. Put a small amount of oil in the bottom of a roasting pan, heat it slightly so it lightly covers the bottom of the pan.
  3. Spread the fennel slices over the bottom of the pan and sprinkle with some caraway seeds.
  4. Place the chicken on the top and sprinkle all with a little salt.
  5. Cover pan with aluminium foil.
  6. Roast in the oven until nearly done.
  7. Remove foil and replace in oven to slightly brown the chicken.


Serve with new potatoes and cauliflower also roasted in the oven and a green vegetable.

How long it takes to cook the chicken depends upon how hot you have the oven. Long, slow cooking is best for nutrition.  When there is less time, then hotter will do.

The fennel could be replaced with celery if preferred.



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