What a whopper!  The sign underneath carries an advert for some heavy hauliers; 'We lift anything'.  I think a melon of this size would need more than half a cucumber to go with it.
What a whopper! The sign underneath carries an advert for some heavy hauliers; ‘We lift anything’. I think a melon of this size would need more than half a cucumber to go with it.

  • 1 ripe, normal sized melon – galia or other
  • ½ cucumber, peeled, deseeded and roughly chopped
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1tsp honey
  • Sparkling water, cold.
  • Fresh mint
  • Vodka or gin, optional.

Serves 2 – 4

  1. Halve the melon, scoop out the seeds, then scoop out the flesh.
  2. Put the melon lumps and cucumber bits into some kind of blender along with the lime juice and honey.
  3. Whizz until smooth.
  4. Taste and add more lime juice or honey as desired.
  5. Serve over ice with the mint leaves and add the sparkling water.
  6. Add vodka or gin if wished.

This recipe came in my weekly Abel and Cole box, and most lovely it looks too.  I haven’t tried it yet, I have to admit.  This particular fruit juice is more acceptable than most because the whole of the flesh of the cucumber and melon is used.  The problem with most fruit juices is they are very sugary because they have zero fibre to give the guts something to work on, so this rather sublime sounding number will not shove the insulin quite so high as a glass of orange juice, for example.

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