1 fillet organic Pork

3 or 4 Courgettes

½ Celeriac

Few Sage Leaves, torn up.

Generous quantity of black pepper


Clarified butter or olive oil.

Serves 2.

  1. Peel the celeriac and cut into matchsticks.
  2. Top and tail the courgettes and cut each courgette into 3 or 4 bits, slicing perpendicular to the courgette. Either matchstick these bits or matchstick them but cut out the seeds in the centre.  This makes the courgettes taste nicer.
  3. Slice the pork fillet into pieces about as thick as 2 pound coins stacked.
  4. Melt the clarified butter or olive oil in the pan.  Use a generous quantity.  Fillet of pork is a rather dry meat.  Bring the temperature of the oil up so that the pork will slightly sizzle when added – so high enough to do more than boil the meat, but not high enough to burn the meat.
  5. Put the pork into the pan, spreading it out then put the vegetables and sage leaves in too.
  6. Things will be a bit crowded – this is desirable.  The food slightly stews as opposed to fries.
  7. Leave to cook for about 7 – 10 mins, then turn everything over, paying especial attention to the pork.
  8. Leave to cook until celeriac soft and creamy and the pork is thoroughly cooked.  Feel free to turn things around in the pan.  Just prod away at it if you want.
  9. Add salt to taste and a very generous amount of black pepper.  Stir it all about, leave for a minute to allow the flavours to slightly develop.
  10. Serve it up.  I generally use the Balfour Beatty school of serving.

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