This is a video of Dr Eric Cobb, the inventor of Z-health. He is talking about the R-form – R for Rehabilitation – of his body and brain restoring system.  Every Sunday, at 4pm, I run a free introductory session to Z health in my gym.  Contact me through this website to book a place.  I am doing this because there is no other way of experiencing Z health other than trying it!

As a trainer, I constantly find that people either reduce the demands of their exercise, so stop playing tennis and take up cycling, say, or are simply not exercising at all, despite the constant bombardment with information about the importance of some sort of regular exercise.  I am completely convinced that a major cause of both these situations is pain.    The tennis game starts to suffer, the knees/back/shoulder constantly hurting.  We do go out for a brisk walk and the next day our calves are cramping fit to bust.  Why do that to ourselves again??  Another common scenario is regular trips to the chiropractor or massage therapists – we feel temporarily better, then the pain comes back again.  And we seem stuck in a cycle.  Z-health gets us out of the traps.

Z health comes in layers, and the initial layer deals with joint movement.  We have many joints in our body, and each joint has its map in the brain so the brain knows what signals to send to which muscles to enable us to get up and make ourselves a cup of tea, or serve an ace, say.  The problem is that with life-style – much sitting, driving, and so on, our joints get less mobile.   Add to this injuries – the time we turned our ankle, that old ski-ing accident, that whiplash we suffered 10 years ago – and over time the joint maps get blurry.  Dr Cobb likens it to an old road map – I would say one that has been folded and refolded many times, so where the folds are, the map has worn away and is now full of white, fuzzy, blurry bits.  And so it is in the brain: injury, lack of use, traumas such as snake bites, fog up the map.

Now add to our blurry map our basic survival instinct.  When a joint is not as free as it should be, the whole body has to reduce its strength in order to preserve the compromised joint.  So that turned ankle – although we can walk OK, because of the old damage, the brain has weakened the muscles that work the ankle – and weakened all the leg muscles so we can’t run as fast and weakened the arm muscles so we can’t pick up such a heavy weight and cause the wobbly ankle more damage.  The aim of the 1st stage of R-phase is to rebuild the map of the whole body in the brain as good as new.  And the results are usually spectacular.

In later phases we start to look at the eyes and the inner ear, restoring good function and good reflexes.  We all have a complex system of reflexes aimed at our survival, and as these get better, performance goes up, pain goes down.  We get stronger, quicker, more flexible, more co-ordinated – and we enjoy exercise!

Other major points about Z health:

  1. We do the drills to ourselves.  Z health has to be the ultimate fix it yourself therapy.  Yes, massage, chiropractic and so on have their uses  – but these therapies do not address deep underlying issues of brain/body connection and they all need someone to do them to us.
  2. It does not take very long to do.  Usually people find about two exercises that make a huge difference to them and as long as they do them regularly – each exercise will take a few seconds to do – their whole body gets better.
  3. There is no pain!  The exercises are completely effortless.  Most are done standing.
  4. It works.  Things change.  Suddenly, after years in the osteopaths,  we don’t have to go so often.  The osteo starts saying, this is much better!
  5. We get stronger, quicker, more flexible, more co-ordinated.  And therefore, fitter. And since exercise helps weightloss, Z-health gives the golden key to getting going, making the exercise effective and the ability to keep doing it.


  1. I have experienced first hand the power of Z- Health – and in many ways. Firstly, the system’s ability to remove areas causing pain in my body. Secondly, when used during exercising – running and football. Thirdly, as part of a warm prior to Pilates & Yoga. The exercises are quick and easy to do and you don’t have to be in gym gear – I have found myself performing the key drills at work (whilst sitting at a desk). The whole system is fascinating and I’m sure Clare has only shown me basics thus far. I continue to employ the techniques and would highly recommend exploring it use. Nothing ventured – nothing gained.

  2. I went to Clare because of pain in my ankle and foot that I had had for months and months and just wasn’t getting better by ignoring the problem. After just a few weeks of doing the Z health exercises the pain went and I was able to run again. The exercises were very easy to do and tailored specifically to me. I can not recommend Clare highly enough to anyone who wants to try and eliminate persistent pain.

  3. I have suffered from joint and muscle pain for years and in just a few minutes Clare has given me some incredibly easy movements to do using my eyes which have given me tremendous improvement in movement and reduced my pain considerably. I have only seen Clare twice so far but I totally beleive that Z health along with her holistic approach to health and wellbeing offering dietary and supplements advice is going to help me more than any visit to the Dr or prescription drugs. Thank you!

  4. I cannot enthuse enough about Z health, only problem is how do you explain it!
    For me the results have been immediate and convincing, brain fog clears, energy levels improved, drills done preceding a class like combat make a marked difference to my balance and co-ordination and a very unexpected improvement in my eye sight has me needing my prescription changed – for the better. All this benefit without breaking a sweat! Over time I have learnt that the body has the capacity to be well and heal itself if you show it how. Z health supports this belief along with Clare’s knowledge and her expertise. How well I feel after a session of Z health still amazes me! Thank you.

  5. Chris 10-12-2012
    Thank you so much for my introduction to Z health, IT was a pleasure to meet you. I came away feeling full of energy and excitement. You have given me a lot to think about, including a different approche to the way I train, and the training of future clients. I look forward to meeting you again and will certainly recommend you and Z health to other people.

  6. Hi – i’m intrigued by this and would love to try classes but I’m based in london. Anyone in central or NW london who practices Z health?

    1. Hi Linda, there are quite a few Z health practitioners in London now. I remain the highest qualified practitioner working in UK, but the numbers working their way through the curriculum are increasing. Look on the Z health website: Click on Resources and you’ll find the Find A Trainer button. The class that I take is unique to me. But that’s not to say other Z health trainers in London area don’t run a class of their own.

      1. Just started using your tape mouth shut drill at nighttime. My mouth now feels like my own again. Prior to discovering it my mouth was doing all sorts of crazy things and I was unable to stop it, such as, pushing on my teeth with my lips.
        Thank you for this simple solution Clare

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